Sophie E. Rodriguez

 Special Skills & Other Projects

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On this page you will find example of my welding, AutoCAD draftings, carpentry, upholstery, sewing, and painting, just scroll down - or hover over any of the dots on the right to jump to a section!

 AutoCAD Drafting

Below are some examples of my technical designs, created in AutoCAD (2D/3D).

 MIG Welding and Metalworking

Below are some examples of my welding; I have experience welding both 2D and 3D structures, as well as cold-bending 16-guage steel with handmade jigs. I’ve been welding for around four years now and it is one of my favorite things to do - steel is my favorite material to work with. I’m currently learning how to TIG Weld!

Custom Rolling Carts

Every so often I am asked to design & build a rolling cart to store various things below is an example of a wooden rolling cart, and welded rolling cart. The wooden cart was custom made to hold a welder and various welding supplies, the metal cart was constructed to hold various tools and accessories for the CNC router. These projects are something that I really enjoy working on!


In an advanced props class we were assigned to make an ottoman with a round element to incorporate barrel staves. These photos include the ottoman base, the base with the barrel staves, the carved foam with batting, and the upholstery.


I am familiar with sewing on both a domestic and industrial machine, for this drop I used an industrial machine to sew the jute webbing to the chosen fabric, and grommets were added afterwards. I also helped the ATD attach and cut the netting for this drop to help the organic cutouts hold their shape on stage.

This is a corset that I made in a costume technology class. While making this piece, and while in this class, I was able to learn more about patterns, serges and sewing machines, boning, and grommeting.


In a scenic painting class, as well as on the job, I have learned many skills such as how to create textures on a base (wood or muslin), how to paint elements such as bricks, wood grains, and landscapes, and I have learned how to make stencils for complex or repeating patterns